Location of events: Venues for the main events are all within a 10-minute drive of downtown Austin. You can check them out on this Google map. There's another map below with some other touristing destinations if you want to poke around in town.
Air travel: Austin-Bergstrom International Airport is a 20-minute drive from downtown and is the easiest transportation option.
Getting around town: Austin is a driving town, but the car may not have to be yours. Cars can be rented fairly affordably, though your most affordable option may be using ride-sharing apps and/or ride-sharing with your fellow attendees. If you are new to ride-sharing, follow these links to download Lyft or Uber.
The Fairmont: The best deal we found in downtown Austin is the Fairmont. Due to a current special, rooms can be booked via the opening special rate at $199/night for the wedding weekend. If that special disappears, there is also a wedding block of rooms at the Aloft (see below).
The Aloft: We also have a block of rooms available at the Aloft, at $249/night.
Timing: Please arrive by 5:45. A short ceremony will begin promptly at 6pm, and the reception will be immediately after at the same venue.
Wedding party: The bride and groom will be joined by their brothers, Ben, Phil, and Reeve.
Transit: Please drive or get a ride to the Umlauf. Parking will be plentiful: there is a 20-car lot at the Garden and a large lot for overflow directly across the street. Also, ride sharing has returned to Austin (Uber, Lyft) and should be easily available to/from the venue.
Food & drink: We won’t stop the party for a sit-down dinner, but a full meal from Peached Tortilla will be served from several stations.
Garb: The bride will wear a gown, and the groom will wear a suit. For people who prefer high-heeled shoes, block heels or wedges are recommended as some of the fun will take take place on grass and soft ground.
Music: We’re very excited to host local band Uptown Drive until noise ordinances shut them down at 10pm.
Say goodbye before you go--we'll be hosting brunch with family friends Lynne & Crockett from 10am-1pm.